Evaluating Poetry: A Template


Poetry, as an art form, is a deeply subjective experience, often defying rigid analysis. However, critical evaluation can provide insight into the effectiveness and impact of a poem. This template aims to guide the evaluation process by breaking down key elements of poetry.

Title and Poet


: [Title of the Poem]


: [Name of the Poet]


Provide brief contextual information about the poem, including its publication date, historical background, and any relevant biographical details about the poet.

Theme and Subject Matter

Identify the central theme or themes of the poem. Discuss the subject matter and any underlying messages or motifs.

Structure and Form

Examine the poem's structure, including its use of stanzas, meter, rhyme scheme, and overall form. Assess how these elements contribute to the poem's meaning and impact.

Language and Imagery

Evaluate the poet's use of language, including literary devices such as metaphor, simile, symbolism, and imagery. Discuss how these elements enhance the reader's understanding and emotional response.

Tone and Mood

Analyze the poem's tone and mood. Consider the poet's attitude toward the subject matter and how it influences the reader's perception of the poem.

Sound and Rhythm

Assess the poem's auditory qualities, such as rhythm, sound patterns, and musicality. Discuss how these elements contribute to the poem's overall effectiveness and emotional resonance.

Interpretation and Analysis

Offer your interpretation of the poem, exploring its deeper meanings, symbolism, and possible allegorical significance. Support your analysis with evidence from the text.


Summarize your evaluation of the poem, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on its overall impact and significance within the context of the poet's body of work and the broader literary canon.


Provide recommendations for further reading or analysis, suggesting other works by the same poet or similar poems that readers may find illuminating.


Include a list of references or citations used in your evaluation, including the poem itself, critical essays, or scholarly articles.

This template offers a structured approach to evaluating poetry, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the art form while encouraging individual interpretation and appreciation.


